Chatterbooks at Rickmansworth Library

Tuesday 21st June

Time: 4:00pm - 5:00pm Venue: Rickmansworth Library, Rickmansworth , Hertfordshire , WD3 1EH - Map
I'll be reading from my novel and talking about how I came up with the idea for the plot and set about writing it.


  1. by Josh

    Thank you. You were great!

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  2. by Georgina

    Thank you for coming. I really enjoyed you reading the third chapter. I have just finished your book and I think it should be 5 stars *****!

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  3. by Tom

    I love your book. Hope it turns into a movie

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  4. by Roma

    Thank you for visiting us last Chatterbooks. I have read your book and enjoyed it a lot. It’s a brilliant book!

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  5. by Emma

    Thank you so much for coming to answer our questions. Your book is brilliant and I really enjoyed reading it.

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  6. by Leo

    Thanks. I hope your book turns into a famous world-wide book.

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  7. by Alice

    Your book was amazing. You must have an imagination as big as the universe!!! Thank you for coming.

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